deep restore: nurture + play retreat
Kangaroo Island, SA
Dec 10-13 2020

deep restore’s nurture + play retreat : Kangaroo Island
South Australia
Dec 10 -13 2020

an ocean + creativity + yoga immersion
5 days, 5 nights of deep immersion in yoga, surf, meditation, the ocean and mindfulness practices

This retreat has been designed to allow you to restore and turn inwards whilst being nurtured by the ancient practices of yin and yang yoga, meditation, surf, pristine natural landscape of Bali, rest and relaxation. Teaching you the skills to reclaim freedom and to brighten your light. Three delicious vegetarian meals provided by our chef. All dietary requirements catered to with pleasure + love

$1,500 early bird (before April 1)
$1800 (after April 1)

Places are strictly limited to ensure for a safe and spacious
environment. Secure a place or send through any further questions via text/email.

meet your hosts…

